Paul Maylam recorded 21.7 mm from 27 October to 2 November in Cathcart Street, mostly steady drizzle.
Jim Cambray measured considerably less – 13.6 mm – in Park Road for the same period. Temperatures ranged from 11.5-27C.
For October 2022, Cambray reported a total of 51mm, well below the long-term average of 81mm and median of 62.6mm. The least Makhanda had in October was 19.8mm in 1987, and the most was 319.7mm in 2012.
“We are supposed to be in a wet cycle, and October didn’t live up to it!” Cambray complained.
Let’s hope November has some good thunderstorms and the Howieson’s Dam fills up. We desperately need eight megalitres a day to be pumped to the Waainek Water Treatment Plant.
The Makana Municipality is not currently able to pump water from Settlers Cam into the Howieson’s Poort Dam because of an unpaid Eskom account for the Thomas Baines Nature Reserve. This added a further layer of precarity to our desperate water crisis.
Here are the long-range rainfall predictions for the country. Makana should receive 50-60% more rainfall than usual in November and 50% above-average precipitation in December. Hold thumbs!