Two Makhanda fire trucks and the Rhodes water truck extinguished a serious fire in the Settlers Hospital nurses home (previously used as a creche), which broke out Sunday morning.

Department of Health spokesperson Yonela Dekeda said fire was noticed by staff on duty, who quickly informed the CEO.

On arrival, the CEO realised that the Nurses Home side of the building was on fire. The Fire Department and the SAPS were called and responded swiftly to the scene. No injuries have been reported.

Smoke emerges from the Nurses Home of Settlers Hospital on Sunday morning. Photo: Lucas Nowicki

The cause of the fire is unknown. By 2 pm it was largely extinguished.

Nearby residents reported hearing frightening popping sounds around noon when the fire was at it height.
Loud pops and bangs emanate from the Settlers Hospital Nurses Home on Sunday morning in this video shared on neighbourhood WhatsApp groups.
Gaps in the perimeter fence

Grocott’s Mail journalists were unable to access the hospital grounds. But, while we attempted to take pictures of the scene from both northern and southern vantage points, we noticed that there were gaps in the hospital’s perimeter fences, making it easy for a potential arsonist to enter and escape the grounds.

A local resident said she had seen people enter and leave the grounds of the hospital in recent weeks through the southern perimeter fence.

A gap in the northern perimeter fence of Settlers Hospital. Photo: Linda Mkaza
The barbed wire on the southern perimeter fence of Settlers Hospital has been removed. It is easily breached. A local resident said she had seen people enter and leave the grounds of the hospital through this fence. Photo: Rod Amner

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