By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan

Being single is often associated with misery. But what if being alone doesn’t have to be dull and depressing? 

Single people often get asked, “you don’t want to end up alone, do you?”, “how hasn’t anyone grabbed you up?” and “what’s wrong with you that you haven’t found anyone yet?” This then leads single people to start doubting themselves and thinking things like: 

  • Why am I not good enough? 
  • I need to be in a relationship. 
  • Being single is horrible. 
  • I’m never going to find anyone.
  • I will be single forever. 
  • What is wrong with me? 

A single person might enter a relationship with the wrong person, so they do not feel alone. This can cause toxicity in the relationship and the person not actually wanting to be with their significant other. 

It is very possible to be happy being single. 

Here are some tips for being happy single: 

  • Stop comparing yourself to others. Your journey is your own. 
  • Take a step back from social media and unfollow anyone negative. 
  • Take a phone break. 
  • Take yourself on a date and enjoy it. 
  • Go travelling by yourself. 
  • Exercise and eat healthy. Focus on yourself. 
  • Spend time in nature. 
  • Take up space in your bed.
  • Spend time with your pets. 
  • Join a hobby and join a group 
  • Figure out what you truly want. 
  • Get therapy and work through everything you need to. 
  • Treat yourself to facials and massages, and work on your physical appearance. 
  • Use your free time to your benefit, such as by doing a short course. 
  • Spend time with your friends. 
  • Have fun!

Remember it is okay to be single – or in a relationship – there is no one size fits all! Sometimes people in relationships are also unhappy, and it is better to be single than to be in a miserable relationship. 

There are happy singles and happy couples; you have to make sure that whatever choice you make that you are making that choice because you will be happier and healthier in the long run. 

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