By ANDREW KIRK, Makana Independent New Deal (MIND) candidate for Ward 13 and 14
When the dust settles, the votes have been tallied, and the results are final, every person, party, and organisation within our municipality should work towards the same goal: improving the lives of everyone in our community.
It doesn’t matter if you are part of a big party, a “small” party, or an independent candidate. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. My only uncompromising goal should be to do everything I can for the betterment of people in whatever way I can.
We are at a turning point in our political landscape. We have an overwhelming amount of people putting themselves out there with renewed energy and vigour. The sheer number of people running as independent candidates in this election has been unprecedented. It shows a willingness and a desire that people have to be integral to the solution and to do their part in building a better future. People recognise themselves as change agents and active citizens in their own communities. Long may this increase in community-oriented politics, and grassroots movements continue.
If a candidate wins in the ward I live in, it won’t matter if I support their party or not. I will have to be able to work with them. To engage with them. To help them as we build up our community and to hold them accountable. People in government positions work FOR and WITH communities. They do not rule above them. Ward councillors, PR candidates, mayors etc., are members of our community first and foremost. It is with this in mind that we should cast our votes.
We will all have to work together regardless of whether we are in council or not. Being active citizens come in all forms. Every person within our municipality is part of the same team, regardless of party politics and affiliations. Differences in priorities and opinions will always exist, but this can be overcome if everyone has the same main goal: To improve the lives of those in their communities.
Let this election be the chance for you to truly make your mark and choose who will represent your needs and advocate for them.
Living within the community and working from the grassroots of the community where we CAN all get involved in rebuilding our infrastructure and resources will deliver long-term sustainable and rewarding solutions. Addressing the issues that affect us, locals, directly, such as crime, potholes, water, electricity is what we must do – now is time for us to fix Makana from the inside.