My name is Nomzolisi Mgudlandlu. I’m 30 years old and am studying at East Cape Midlands College doing Management Assistant N5. I live in Transit Camp in Makhanda.
I aim to collect 200 sanitary pads by midday on Monday 19 April for learners in Makhanda primary schools. My first distribution will be at 10am on 20 April at NV Cewu Primary School.
I’ve already received donations from close friends, some Makhanda residents and people around the Eastern Cape. I’ve also bought some myself. I am hoping that GMDirect readers will help out by donating because I want this campaign to be an ongoing thing.
What prompted me to do this is that most parents in Makhanda are dependent on the child support grant. At R460, it is not enough to cover everything that is needed by a girl child.
I have observed that girls get their periods between the ages of 9 and 12. At that time, they’re still in primary school. Getting your periods for the first time at that age, and also you don’t have sanitary pads at that time – it can embarrassing.
Sanitary pads range in cost from 63 cents to R4 each. Depending on her flow, and how long her period lasts, a girl needs between eight and 14 pads every month.
If you’d like to donate pads, please drop them off at Jane Solo Tea and Bagel Bar, 135B High Street.
If you’d like to know more about what I’m planning, please call me at 073 527 9961.
Thank you in advance!
Nomzolisi Mgudlandlu