Dear Makanda residents

As we are all aware, we are experiencing the carona pandemic in our country and beyond, and we acknowledge the lockdown as announced by the President of our country.

As a result, being an essential service, and failing any direction given to us by the Department of Social Development, our office has come up with a plan to protect our staff and beneficiaries.

The office will be closed, but we will have a standby social worker, who will work remotely from home, to attend to any queries, counselling, etc.

She can be reached on 060 3777 289.

We have notified the Department of Social Development that we will be working on our existing cases, and we assume that they will take care of any new emergency cases, if any, that arise, together with the police and court.

The emergency contact numbers for DSD are 060 9164 833 and 066 068 7338.

We wish everybody strength and wellbeing in these trying, uncharted times.

The Child Welfare Grahamstown team

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