Good Old Grahamstown
Our grass here in Grahamstown may not always be green
But there’s so much more here than is at first seen
You need not look far to find your desire
It’s right on our doorstep, I am no liar
OK, so the potholes are a pain… but they can be filled
The municipality may be lacking… but they could be upskilled
The cattle have character and the donkeys are sweet
We just need to take care and watch where putting our feet
The rubbish is an issue, flying in the air
But we can all help with this to show that we care
There is far more to our town than first meets the eye
Not the dents in the ground, or the litter in the sky
It’s the people who live here who make it worthwhile
People who, so often, choose to go the extra mile
Thank you to those who are trying their best
To make our good old city the greatest!

Magical Makhanda
We don’t need to let go of all the good in Grahamstown
We don’t need to give up and constantly frown
We need to follow the role models setting their sites
On a magical place with many earthly delights
Makhanda has issues, that are not insurmountable
We all need to recognise that we are accountable
For everything we do and don’t do has a consequence
The litter we pick up, the child we help to read
The food parcel we take to a person in need
You don’t have to look far to see that its true
We can make Makhanda more magical…
…and that includes you!

What do you find MAGICAL about Makhanda?

Let me know…
Sue: 0721604848

Grocott's Mail Contributors

Grocott's Mail Contributors includes content submitted by members of the public, and public and private institutions and organisations - regular and occasional, expert and citizen, opinion and analysis.

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