A young man with a passion for the natural environment was voted the best photographer at the Masazaneni Exhibition at a packed Joza Youth Hub last Friday.

Chulumanco Kuhlane, a Grade 10 learner from Nombulelo High School, walked off with a R200 Bargain Books voucher for his striking set of photos.

Oyama Vena posing for the camera on a sunny day at Nombulelo Senior Secondary. © Chulumanco Kuhlane.
Oyama Vena standing next to a poster that says ‘Our World Our choices’. © Chulumanco Kuhlane.
The beautiful blooming green grass of Nombulelo Senior Secondary where students chill during break time. © Chulumanco Kuhlane.
Chulumanco Kuhlane explains the motivations behind his award-winning collection of photographs at the Masazaneni Exhibition at the Joza Youth Hub last Friday. Photo: Michelle Banda

The Masazaneni exhibition (Masazaneni means ‘let’s get to know each other’ in isiXhosa) was the culmination of a three-month exchange between six Rhodes photojournalism students and more than a dozen Nombulelo learners. The exhibition including several photos by the Nombulelo learners exhibited side-by-side with the photojournalist’s efforts.

The collaboration allowed the participants a unique window into each other’s worlds through the medium of photography. The Upstarters were taught how to use cameras and encouraged to document their own lives and neighbourhoods in their photographs. Meanwhile, the Rhodes students got to know the learners over a couple of months by photographing them.

Second prize went to Sphamandla Boma, an easy-going, shy young man who said he had tried to “capture anything and everything close to my heart”. One of his photographs depicted a burst sewer which he humorously captioned, ‘Makhanda municipality’s unfulfilled promises’.

A man shows off his shooting skills to his friends at the Dlepu soccer stadium, Joza. © Siphamandla Boma.
A burst sewerage pipe in Thatha Street, Joza. The pipe is near the Archie Primary School. © Siphamandla Boma.
Likho Funani relaxes at his friend’s house in Daniel Street, Joza. He waits to meet up with a girl. © Siphamandla Boma.
A pedestrian walks past the Miya hardware store in Joza. The store has been running for the past 20 years. © Siphamandla Boma.
A goat is eating from a dump site in Extension 10, Joza. The dump site has been like this for years © Siphamandla Boma.
Sphamandla Boma at the Masazaneni Exhibition last Friday. Photo by: Michelle Banda

In third position was Vusumuzi Tshekema who told a rending story about his cousin who is on drugs because of lack of employment.

A collage of Tshekema's photographs
Vusumuzi Tshekema showing off his photos at the Masazaneni Exhibition at the Joza Youth Hub last Friday. Photo by: Michelle Banda

Nombulelo learner, Valentine Ntusi, commented: “Not only did I learn how to capture exceptional pictures but about telling a story and being able to see and feel someone’s expression through a photograph.”

The exhibition was part of a wider three-month exchange of media skills (radio, video, digital storytelling, and writing) and local knowledge between third-year Journalism students and a range of local community partners.

Attendees of the Upstart AGM in rapt attention at the Joza Youth Hub last Friday.
Third year Journalism student Nokuthula Sibiya reads the special Grocott's Education supplement at the Masazaneni Exhibition at the Joza Youth Hub last Friday. Photo: Michelle Banda
Rhodes Photojournalism student Daniel Goldberg speaks about his three-month photo partnership with Nombulelo learners at the Masazaneni Exhibition at the Joza Youth Hub last Friday. Photo: Michelle Banda
Rhodes Journalism TV lecturer Jane Viedge addresses the Masazaneni Exhibition before the screening of a number of digital stories and mini-documentaries. Photo: Michelle Banda

The exhibition followed Upstart Youth Media Development’s AGM, which resolved to produce their own scripts for audio dramas and to continue with their weekly human rights-themed radio shows on Rhodes Music Radio.

Upstart programme coordinator, Sindi Dingana, said she was happy with the attendance at the AGM and the exhibition and looked forward to the expansion of the project in 2020.

Should you want to know more about Upstart feel free to contact Sindi Dingana: 0789303449 or browse the website

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