Project Read is a programme of the Lebone Centre that makes use of community volunteers and students to support the language and literacy development of more than 100 Foundation Phase learners in St Mary’s, George Dickerson and Good Shepherd Primary schools. Funding is provided by the Vestas Empowerment Trust as part of the Primary Education Partnership in Grahamstown.

Learners on the programme are allowed to borrow a storybook to take home and read on a weekly basis, but recently, in honour of National Book Week it was possible, through donations made by national organisation Book Dash, to give each child a book of their own to keep. They received a wordless picture book called I Can Dress Myself, with the idea that they could tell their own story as they paged through the book and watch the humorous story unfold of the little girl trying to be independent.

If you would like to volunteer for Project Read, get hold of Cathy Gush at the Lebone Centre on 046 622 7985.

Project Read volunteer Leela Pienaar works through the wordless picture book donated to participating learners at George Dickerson Primary during National Book Week. Photo: Cathy Gush
Excited Project Read learners pose with their new books. Photo: Cathy Gush


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