Lumo and the SPCA got the majority vote on the eve of the national election, as around 100 dogs and 600 owners took to the streets to raise funds for the SPCA. Organiser Benita Tarr said: “The event was a huge success, but only due to help from Grocott’s, participants, sponsors, volunteers and especially the public. We raised up to date R13 670 we hope with the raffle that is running and the remaining t-shirts to sell, we will reach R20 000. We estimated over 600 people attended the walk and over 100 furries. This certainly is an amazing turn-out.

“The dream was to raise awareness for the SPCA Grahamstown, through a Glow Walk, a family fun event, showcasing families and our furries. We are very happy to announce we achieved not only raising awareness for the SPCA, but so many people commenting on the most amazing furries we have in our town.”

Raffle sheets have been prepared with great prizes, from sponsors like Revelations, Out of the Box, Farm Box, Bravecto and Nexguard and they are planning an event announcing results from their Facebook competition.

“The public will be invited to come and meet the SPCA dogs/cats/kittens and puppies (so many people asked us to bring a few dogs to the event to walk them) and this will your opportunity to walk a dog or just cuddle a puppy or kitten. The SPCA Clinic run by Dr Amy Jackson-Moss will also be on display, so you can see the good work she is doing for the community.

Benita Tarr will be making a generous donation to the clinic from the profits.

“Thank you to each participant, each volunteer, each sponsor, but especially to the furry friends!”

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