WEEK 2 training programme for the GBS Mountain Drive 21K

It’s 14 weeks and one day to go to the GBS Mountain Drive Half Marathon, and Week 2 of our special training programme. Each week we take you through a progressive strength and endurance regime designed to take you from zero to 21K hero!


A: 2 rounds: 10 bird dogs each side, 10 dying bugs each side.

B: 3 rounds of the following with minimal rest between:
35-second side plank per side*, 10 single-leg glute bridges/ leg (*if you cannot hold for 35 seconds then accumulate 35 seconds in as few sets as possible). Keep your tummy tight and your ribs locked down in the glute bridges.

C: 3 rounds of the following with minimal rest between:
20 step-ups each leg (find a step at about knee height), 20 v ups

D: 3 rounds
20 clam shells per leg, 10 squats


A: 3 rounds of the following with minimal rest between:
35-second side plank per side*, 2 x 10 second single leg glute bridge hold/ leg (*if you cannot hold for 35 seconds then accumulate 35 seconds in as few sets as possible). Keep your tummy tight and your ribs locked down in the glute bridges, hold at the top of the bridge for 10 seconds each leg.

B: 3 rounds of the following with minimal rest between:
20 chair squats (sit back and down onto a box or chat at about knee height, then stand up again),

1 minute plank with arm reaches. Place a target just in front of you and alternating hands, reach out to touch it. Keep tight and try not to let your hips rock.

C: 2 rounds:
5 sets of triple jump per leg, 20 side crunches

About this strength-training programme:
It’s designed by Rose Palmer, of CrossFit Grahamstown, as a beginner’s do-at-home strengthening programme to supplement your running training. There are two sessions a week which should be done at least one day apart, e.g. on Tuesdays and Fridays. The focus is on building strength in your glutes, hips and core. Please feel free to contact Rose if you have any questions – email info@crossfitgrahamstown.co.za or call 072 185 3070. All of these exercises should be done with correct technique and loading, and it is highly beneficial to work with a qualified coach. You can also use Google to explain how to do a particular exercise.

For the second week of training, increase your running to 30-40 minutes twice per week, aiming for about 5 to 7km depending on your speed. Add an additional day of training of what runners call ‘hill sprints’. Hill training is vital for both your strength and endurance, not to mention conquering the mountain. Find a hill that is not frequented by traffic, and is about 200m in length. Run the hill and walk/jog down – repeat 8 times.

Kathryn Cleary

Investigative journalist; health, human rights, politics and environmental stories.

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