Strength training:

This is designed by Rose Palmer, of CrossFit Grahamstown, as a beginner’s do-at-home strengthening programme to supplement your running training. There are two sessions a week which should be done at least 1 day apart, for example on Tuesdays and Fridays. The focus is on building strength in your glutes, hips and core. Please feel free to contact Palmer, by either emailing or contacting 072 185 3070, with any questions. All of these exercises should be done with correct technique and loading, and it is highly beneficial to work with a qualified coach. For clarification on an exercise, Google can also be used.

Week 1, Session 1:

A: two rounds: 10 bird dogs per side, 10 dying bugs per side.

B: 3 rounds of the following with minimal rest between:

30 second side plank per side*, 20 glute bridges

*if you cannot hold for 30 seconds then accumulate 30 seconds in as few sets as possible

Keep your tummy tight and your ribs locked down in the glute bridges

C: 3 rounds of the following with minimal rest between:

20 squats, 20 crunches

D: 2 rounds

20 Side-Lying Leg Raise per leg

10 calf raises off a step

Week 1, Session 2:

A: 3 rounds of the following with minimal rest between:

30 second side plank per side*, 20 glute bridges

*if you cannot hold for 30 seconds then accumulate 30 seconds in as few sets as possible

Keep your tummy tight and your ribs locked down in the glute bridges

B: 3 rounds of the following with minimal rest between:

30 reverse lunges, 1 minute plank

C: 2 rounds:

10 broad jumps (jump as FAR as you can, land softly)

20 side crunches

For those wanting to train at CrossFit, they would need to sign up for the gym, which would cost R375 per month. You would then have access to the space from 9am to 5pm.

Running fitness:

For the first week of training, start by running for 20 minutes on a relatively flat, circular route. Starting off with a non-stop 20-minute run will set a good benchmark for your fitness and provide a solid starting point for the rest of the 15-week training programme.

Stephen Kisbey-Green

Young and up-and-coming sports reporter with a passion for rugby and cricket. Born and raised in Boksburg, Gauteng, I came to Grahamstown (Makhanda) to learn the journalism trade, and improve all round.

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