Seven Fountains, a village blessed with determined, passionate and committed individuals ready to pull themselves up by their bootlaces to improve their lives, is starting to shine, thanks to support from the nearby Lalibela Game Reserve. A new development initiative coordinated by the Reserve, which aims to empower an ambitious but largely unemployed community with much needed basic skills, was recently launched.
The first step is a community sewing project. To this end, industrial sewing machines and overlockers were procured, donations of materials and equipment garnered, as well as the services of a professional fashion designer offered: a community of people willing to support this project from its beginnings to greatness.
There will be sewing classes offered, from beginner level to advanced – all under the professional guidance of Sabelo Bill, a qualified fashion designer with his heart in the right place. Bill has offered his services as a means of giving back to the community and assisting them to develop skills that will advance their quest for financial independence.
Charmain Gradwell, who heads up Lalibela’s Community Outreach was extremely encouraged by the appetite in the community for self-upliftment. With support from the Lalibela community and using funds from the conservation levy, Gradwell has been able to assist the community with some basic essentials and looks forward to building on the self-help ethos that these interventions are designed to foster.