Holy Cross pupils shine.

When Mr Hare meets the late former president Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela, you can expect things to be very interesting. The delightful story by Chris van Wyk was the basis for a colourful and entertaining bilingual production by the children of Holy Cross Primary School in St George’s Hall  in High Street last Friday. The two-day run meant more parents and supporters had the chance to see the children performing.

Basil Mills of NELM adapted the story, translated and worked into an amusing stage production by Holy Cross staff. The 57 children of the school were involved and performed enthusiastically. The bilingual production meant all the children got the chance to express themselves in both isiXhosa and English.

A taxi to Mandela’s house.

Dance items, just to wake everyone up in between scenes, included Letta Mbulu’s Not yet Uhuru.

Principal Kary McConnachie said the entire Holy Cross staff was involved in this production and they had helped with coaching, rehearsing, sewing, painting backdrops and transporting the parents and children. She thanked parents, friends and helpers for their support and participation.

Holy Cross principal Kary McConnachie welcomes the audience to ‘Mr Hare meets Mr Mandela’ – the school’s annual play.

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