Hooggenoeg and Phola Park will play host to their first ever Garden Competition on Saturday 17 November. Gardens will be open to the public from 10am. Prizegiving in the hall in 5th Avenue is at 3pm. The aim of the competition, says organiser Cary Clark, is to begin the process of beautifying the area.

“The initiative raises awareness of permaculture food gardens and the importance of healthy eating and a clean environment,” Clark said.

Guided garden tours will begin at 10am. At 3pm the hall in 5th Avenue will be the venue for the prizegiving. Clark encouraged other residents to come and support the first-time gardeners.

The competition is now a regular annual event in Riebeeck East and on 24 November the garden competition will take place there.

For more information contact Cary Clark on 074 618 8747.

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