One might be forgiven for becoming used to the wonderful support for our bazaar out in Riebeeck East. But come to think of it, it takes some guts – and surely good word of mouth reports – to tackle the bumpy dusty 42km drive out there. We believe it still is a great opportunity to go and enjoy the warm hospitality and quality stuff spread out on the tables. With it also comes a very “lekker kuier” with friends and whoever you may bump into. Our new “koster”, Gavin, took trouble to also invite guests to go and have a look at the recently painted church inside and experience the peaceful atmosphere of the old place of worship. We made the target and passed it with ease. So the dominee will put on his walking shoes again and take a 20km walk from the Bedford road to the Fonteinskloof church building on Saturday (20 October). Not alone though, with some enthusiastic promises of walking comrades. Thanks again to all for hard work and great support. Soli Deo Gloria!

Strauss de Jager

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