One rape per year is one rape too many! I will never condone rape nor blame a victim of the same.

However, I think that the thousands of women who have had positive experiences in their relationships, must speak out. I am one of them.

As a young woman I wore mini-skirts and platform shoes. I partied and danced and had various relationships with men:

  • Male bosses and colleagues with whom I worked very well with mutual respect and professionalism.
  • Male friends with whom I had lots of fun; hiking, canoeing, camping and late-night talks (as well as arguments). Friends who shared my joys and sorrows  without ever asking for or offering more than friendship.
  • Boyfriends, and as the years went by, lovers. They loved me, respected me and were sensitive to my feelings and my desires.
  • My husband of 30+ years loved me, respected me and we had a good sexual relationship.
  • Was this a perfect marriage? Of course not! But I have never had an experience of abuse or assault.

Was this a perfect marriage? Of course not. But I have never had an experience of abuse or assault.

I think it is time that the thousands (if not millions) of women who have had good relations with partners also share them with the world. It is time that we all realised that there are people ‘out there’ who are harming others; but there are also many people – male and female – who are good, caring and bring love and happiness to the lives of their partners and children.

An older woman looking back at a good life.

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