Eleven young local musicians are among the contestants in the 12th Grahamstown National Music Competition, hosted by Rhodes University Department of Music and Musicology, Thursday 21 June to Saturday 23 June 2018. A highlight of the Music Department’s calendar, the competition has once again attracted top young performers from across South Africa.

The competition provides a platform for young performers who specialise in Western Art music.

“Without performance experience, performers struggle to establish a performing identity,” said organiser Catherine Foxcroft. “The competition therefore hopes to provide a learning experience for beginner, intermediate and advanced performers as a stepping stone in the road to becoming professional musicians.”

Despite the competitive atmosphere which is an unavoidable aspect of competitions, Foxcroft says, research shows that young performers often thrive in this kind of atmosphere and deliver their best performances.

“Some of the extraordinary, inspiring performances which have thrilled Grahamstown audiences at the past competitions certainly bear testament to that.”

Eleven local contestants will be participating this year:

Kwanda Ningiza, Jasmine Pieterse, Sebeo Ralebala, Eva Vassiliou, Uviwe Zondeki, Sethu Zothe (Kingswood College);
Cornelia Rocher and Emily Morgan (DSG);
Bayanda Mthetho (Graeme College);
Sivenathi Sikina (Victoria Girls’ High School);
Ben Terry (St Andrew’s College).

The adjudicators are Mr Lwazi Mkula (VG) and Dr Tessa Rhoodie (Pretoria University).

Entry to the public is free for the opening rounds, which are scheduled as follows:

Thursday 21 June
8am-9.45am Junior category; 10.15am-4.45pm Senior category; 5.10pm-6.30pm Tertiary category

Friday 22 June
8am-9.45am Junior category; 10.15am-4.45pm Senior category; 5.10pm-6.30pm Tertiary category

Saturday 23 June

Saturday 23 June
7.30pm (Tickets available at the door – R90 adults, R50 concessions, children free.

Kingswood College entrants in the Grahamstown National Music Competition are (back from left): Eva Vassiliou (Euphonium), Kwanda Ningiza (Trombone), Sebeo Ralebala (Clarinet)
Front (from left): Sethu Zothe (Clarinet), Uviwe Zondeki (Clarinet) and (below) Jasmine Pieterse. Photo supplied

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