by Ikhona Mvaphantsi

They come from Queenstown in the north, Qumbu in the east, Libode even further east, and from the hills of Grahamstown. But they all come on the same mission – to see science.

Grade 3 learner Imivuyo Noqayi from NV Cewu Public Primary in Grahamstown attended Scifest to discover what science is all about.  Joining her in this discovery was Konke Ntloko, on her first field trip from Mount Nicholas Junior Secondary School in Libode. Her group travelled 390km to get to Africa’s greatest festival of science and sat mesmerised in the Kids Lab run by BASF.

In this virtual lab pupils are introduced to Dr Bubbles who takes them through science lab etiquette before talking about nutrients and vitamin C.  The young scientists then test for the relative levels of vitamin C in fresh and industrially manufactured fruit juices. This qualifies them for an Diploma in Experimentation.

Science discoverers from Little Flower Primary school in Qumbu also worked at Kids Lab.

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