Granny of three Buyelwa Bashe has been the lucky recipient of the largest of Good Samaritan Irene de Moor, who saw a Grocott’s Mail article in which Bashe complained about not having a fence and how goats and cows and goats were destroying her graden.
De Moore had extra fence and kindly agreed to pass it on, through Grocott’s Mail. She was also quite impressed by Gogo Bashe’s garden. In addition to the fence, De Moore also gave her seeds and worm tea, a natural fertiliser that is mixed with water.
“She is a wonderful lady and a hard worker,” De Moore said, “she does so much out of little because to work in the garden is hard.
Bashe’s garden has mealie maize, potatoes, sweet potatoes and onions.
- Text and photos: Lindani Donyeli