Archie Mbolekwa Primary School Principal Funani is confident that the school will not have many challenges during 2018, as stationary and other necessary school stuff have been delivered.

His only fear is the growing number of pupils, which skews the ratio of teachers-pupils, especially Grade R.
Funani strongly believes that the parents around the school area admire the school, as most are former pupils.
“The Department of Education already arranged transport for learners who stay outside of Grahamstown and had already allocated the funds for the school maintenance,” Funani said.

Funani encouraged anyone who is able to lay a helping hand wherever they can do to do so.
“We have kids who come from disadvantaged families,” he said, “who would appreciate receiving anything offered to them, we would also love to teach happy and comfortable kids.”
Tantyi Primary School Principal Sipho Nontsu confirmed that the school was prepared for 2018 from last year, with the only problem occurring on 12 January with a shortage of stationary.

“The school is serving the community of Xolani Location and surrounding area X, Y, Z Street and Zolani Location, and results to a few number of learners, as we have one class for each grade,” Nontsu said.

Samuel Ntsiko Primary School principal, Kolisi was extremely busy during the first day of school last Wednesday and could not quite confirm any shortage of stationary, teachers or the number of pupils, as staff were still distributing stationary and allocating pupils to their classes.
Kolisi was however, concerned about the school fencing, as donkeys and cattle roam around the yard and leave the premises full of dung. She said she was pleased that department of Basic Education had deployed two teachers to Samuel Ntsiko as well as two observing student-teachers who were doing their practicals at the school.