Motorists travelling between Grahamstown and Peddie tomorrow, Friday 27 January should use the alternative route of the R72 via Port Alfred, Sanral advises, because the N2 east will be closed for long periods for the widening of the Great Fish River Bridge.

Motorists travelling between Grahamstown and Peddie tomorrow, Friday 27 January should use the alternative route of the R72 via Port Alfred, Sanral advises, because the N2 east will be closed for long periods for the widening of the Great Fish River Bridge.

The South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd said the work was scheduled to take place on the N2 Section 13, Grahamstown and Peddie, approximately 50km from Grahamstown and 18km from Peddie.

The road has been closed for long periods since Tuesday, and the scheduled closure for Friday had been 8am-10am with an expected delay of two hours.

But because of strong winds, the work had been postponed and there would be additional road closures tomorrow, Friday 27 January.

Sanral said the road would be closed tomorrow between 5.30am and 2pm on three separate occasions. Each closure would be approximately one-and-a-half hours.

“Motorists are asked to travel with caution and to plan their trips accordingly,” said Mbulelo Peterson, Sanral Southern Region manager.

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