The idea behind organising development programmes is to bring growth within a particular area of activity. Grahamstown has been left behind by the music industry.

The idea behind organising development programmes is to bring growth within a particular area of activity. Grahamstown has been left behind by the music industry.

We are a culture-rich town and we believe in our music. We hope to hold the local flag high alongside the country's big names in music.

Arts organisations and municipal officials in Grahamstown are doing a great job by providing information to the artists who need it most.

Local artists lack the resources to uplift their skills and certainly need more guidance.

But it seems as if, because money is not being spent on local gigs, the only way to ensure local artists benefit from the July budget is to provide information.

This is great – but it's not benefiting anyone if that information isn't put into practice.

Why plant a seed when you're not planning to take care of it?

Good money has been put into funding workshops – but in my opinion, a lot of it has gone to waste.

Funders could make sure this doesn't happen through ensuring follow-through.

Money should be provided to implement the skills learned in such forums. We need a public music company where artists can have their projects professionally produced and properly marketed.

It would be great if artists were asked what they most need – nothing for us without us.

* Azlan Makalima, who is also Grocott's Mail's online producer, wrote this in his capacity as a performer and producer.

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