Councillor and mayoral committee member Paul Notyawa claims he's heard nothing from the Makana Council or the office of the MEC about his candidacy for the post of municipal manager.
Councillor and mayoral committee member Paul Notyawa claims he's heard nothing from the Makana Council or the office of the MEC about his candidacy for the post of municipal manager.
Council named Notyawa as their preferred candidate for the post in a confidential meeting at the city hall on 12 March. Cooperative Governance MEC Fikile Xasa needed to approve the appointment.
From the outset the prospect of Notyawa's appointment was dealt a heavy blow by reports that senior ANC officials had ordered him to withdraw his candidacy for the top job.
This happened just a day after Council named him as their preferred candidate, and was reportedly because of his alleged ties to the United Front. Notyawa has remained mum throughout.
However, last week he broke his silence and voiced his dissatisfaction about how the whole process was handled.
He said he had read about his appointment and subsequent dismissal in the media.
Responding to questions, Notyawa said, "I see it as a story now and again. "I have been employed in the public domain without actually getting correspondence of any kind."
Notyawa says the same process was followed by Xasa in dismissing him.
"Again, formally, I have not received anything that says the MEC has taken a decision not to give consent. "I have nothing, yet it's in the public domain.
"I am now dismissed in the public domain," he said.
"I think that's undesirable and unfair. Whoever is dealing with it is unfair and lacks a bit of [diligence]and [professionalism]," he said.
Notyawa insisted that by the time Xasa had taken a decision not to concur, it should have at least been preceded by something from Council that indicated, "By the way we have employed you and look here is something written from the MEC – you [are]not employed."
"There has been none of that," Notyawa said.
Explaining why he was not responding to questions, he said, "Why would I react to these stories. Once it comes to me I will be the first to say, 'Here, I have received it and this is my reaction'."
Notyawa said he believed the ANC was dealing with the matter, and said he wished they would continue to deal with it.
However, Notyawa hinted that once he had received formal correspondence, he would take action.
"Once it comes formally, action speaks louder than words," he said.
He said the ANC had offered its view on the matter in the media.
"It [ANC] is already in the public domain as having expressed a view, so that matter must be finalised by it."
Xasa did not approve the appointment of Notyawa for the job and last week ordered Makana Municipality to re-advertise the position.
He said the candidate appointed by Council did not meet the minimum requirements in terms of the Municipal Systems Act.
"I am not satisfied that the said appointment is in line with the provisions of Section 54 of the Amendment Act," Xasa said in the letter.
In a press briefing last Friday, executive mayor Zamuxolo Peter confirmed that Council had resolved to re-advertise the position.
He said they would work very closely with the department of cooperative governance to ensure the correct processes were followed.