Grahamstown's Abancedisi Adult Choir, Sakhuluntu Choral Society and Rhodes University Melodies fared well in a regional choral festival in the City Hall on Sunday 5 October.
Grahamstown's Abancedisi Adult Choir, Sakhuluntu Choral Society and Rhodes University Melodies fared well in a regional choral festival in the City Hall on Sunday 5 October.
Of 10 choirs invited to the regional finals of the OR Tambo Choral Festival, five arrived for an afternoon of fine music-making.
Others were the Jay Bay Choristers from Jeffreys Bay and Mighty Joy Choristers from Bathurst/ Port Alfred. Abancedisi sang their way to the top in most of the categories – Standard (African), Standard (Western), Quartet, Soprano solo and baritone.
Rhodes won the Large choir, Duet and Mezzo Soprano categories, with Sakhuluntu runner-up in Standard (African), Standard (Western), Soprano solo and Duet categories. They won the Tenor solo category.
The Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture's Cacadu Chair Hlumile Nxakala said participating choirs received a R1 000 stipend for the day, along with transport costs.
Following the Cacadu District eliminations, the top performers in the various categories will compete with other Eastern Cape choirs at the provincial finals in Queenstown this weekend.
The Pro Carmine Chamber Choir, meanwhile, did a rural tour incorporating the Riebeeck East craft market on Saturday and Hogsback on Sunday.