It’s that time of year again when Grahamstown residents are asked to look around them for special citizens who are serving our community above and beyond the call of duty.
It’s that time of year again when Grahamstown residents are asked to look around them for special citizens who are serving our community above and beyond the call of duty.
Nominations are now open for the Grocott's Mail Grahamstown Citizen of the Year competition. Organisers, the Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset, want members of the public to name their local heroes who are doing extraordinary service.
The Citizen of the Year Award was started in 2000 to recognize and honour local citizens who exemplify the Rotary maxim 'Service Above Self'.
Finalists this year will be recognised in six different categories – Arts and Culture, Business, Community Service, Education and Training, Environment Conservation and Tourism, and Sport.
Nominations come from the general public and selection is by a panel of former Citizens of the Year. In 2014, finalists in each of the categories will be selected and an overall winner will be announced at a gala event on 21 November.
The closing date for nominations is 24 October.
The official nomination form is available at the following Grahamstown outlets: Jenny Gopal Optometrists, Albany Sports, PG Glass, Albany Computers and Pick n Pay. To request an emailed form, write to
A nominee should be someone who:
* Creates a sense of civic pride in the citizens of the town;
* Serves the community selflessly and without thought of reward;
* Inspires us with their courage and determination;
* Improves the quality of life of others by giving service above and beyond the call of duty, in any walk of life;
* Has achieved extraordinary success, and brought honour to our town.
Rotarian Tim Dold, one of the organisers of the event said “We really need the people of Grahamstown to tell us about people doing selfless work out there.
We are thrilled to have Grocott's Mail on board with us.
"Their support is critical to the success of this wonderful award.”