Challenging the bigotry of low expectations for township youth is the mission of a new organisation on Grahamstown's NGO map.

Challenging the bigotry of low expectations for township youth is the mission of a new organisation on Grahamstown's NGO map.

Inkululeko, a non-profit organisation, provides academic support to pupils in township schools, with the goal of preparing them for university.

Jason Torreano and Matthew Kellan, former volunteers at Amasango, a special needs primary school, started planning the project in 2010.

Mid last year, 20 grade 8 pupils were chosen to participate.

The pupils, from four schools, meet three days a week after school to receive academic support focussing on language, mathematics and natural science.

The pupils also organise out-of-class activities such as soccer tournaments.

The organisation will be host a fund-raiser in Grahamstown on Thursday 22 May at Saints Bistro.

Speakers will talk about the project and the evening includes a three-course meal.

Proceeds from the R180 charge will go to the organisation.

For tickets and information, email or call 078 646 5856.

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