While many of us are feeling deflated and relaxed after our well deserved December break, Honda have jazzed up, keeping their technical wheels turning in an attempt to create something innovative and out of the box.

While many of us are feeling deflated and relaxed after our well deserved December break, Honda have jazzed up, keeping their technical wheels turning in an attempt to create something innovative and out of the box.

Smartphones are expensive and as new models come out it would appear that they become increasingly delicate too. 

If you own a smartphone you have probably become quite attached to it, and, if you have ever dropped your smartphone you’ve probably cringed as you’ve watched it slide across the floor. 

Putting a case on your phone only offers so much protection – but what about fitting it with an airbag? 

Airbags are great for keeping us safe in our cars and an engineer at Honda has explored the concept of what they have dubbed the airbag-equipped Case N for your smartphone. 

Seriously, an airbag for your phone?

Quite impractical and boasting a strange shape, the Honda Smartphone Case N features six airbags that fire off whenever a sensor detects the phone is in a freefall to the ground – because it’s just that clever and there is certainty it won’t just pop in your pocket. 

I’m not sure.

The case also includes a computer-controlled accelerometer which will track where the smartphone is in relation to its great plummet. 

I wouldn’t even want to know how you’d piece the airbag case back together again but because this isn’t a real product just yet and it probably won’t be making its way to retail shelves, we can breathe a sigh of relief.

Honda engineers are always creating something new which is why I enjoy following the brand. 

One of my favourite Honda inventions in 2008 was the Walk Assist Device which can be worn on the outside of your clothing and comes fitted with a battery-powered compact motor designed to help people with walking disabilities.  

This is a useful device compared to the smartphone airbag which seems mostly impractical but actually quite cool. 

Although the audio of the video of this Smartphone N case is in Japanese ithe graphics speak for themselves. 

Check out the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ohp_PbYghWE

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