Cartoonist Jeremy Nell, pen-name Jerm, brings the world of political cartoons, strips and gags to fiery life in his collection of thought-provoking, hard-hitting and humorous cartoons in his just-released book, Jerm Warfare.

Cartoonist Jeremy Nell, pen-name Jerm, brings the world of political cartoons, strips and gags to fiery life in his collection of thought-provoking, hard-hitting and humorous cartoons in his just-released book, Jerm Warfare.

Jerm Warfare by Jeremy Nell (Jerm)
Published by Penguin Books (October 2013)
ISBN: 9780143538431
Format: Paperback
Price: R150
Rating: 4.5/5

Jerm is so much more than your average cartoonist. His caricatures are some of the best I’ve set eyes on, especially those of Oscar Pistorius and Julius Malema.

Jerm comments on popular or high-profile issues covered by the media in the form of skilfully drawn outrageous satirical cartoons.

His ability to step out of the South African landscape and explore global events and news material adds another dimension to his work.

His graphic social reporting has featured in publications including the Sunday Times, City Press and even Playboy and he's so talented, we're sure to be seeing much more of his work in years to come.

Jerm's unconventional sense of humour had my whole family huddled over this fantastic collection. It made me realise that although one requires some political knowledge to understand many of his cartoons, many are light-hearted. Several got the younger members of the family giggling over moments such as when Julius Malema joined Twitter (the page 3 cartoon).

Due to my interest in social media and technology, Jerm's cartoon on page 53 about tweets, SMSes, Facebook messages, BBM, emails and voicemails was particularly amusing.

Jerm knows how to engage with his audience and how to play on an event, a series of events or political milestones (or lack thereof).

I was exceptionally impressed with this book and would be happy to have it on my bookshelf, as a coffee-table delight or as a gift for my politically minded friends with a good sense of humour.

To read more about Jerm Warfare visit the Penguin Book website at and view his Facebook page, “Jerm”.

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