A team from Albany Bowling Club represented Eastern Areas in the EP trips competition at the Kowie Bowling Club in Port Alfred on Sunday 15 September.

A team from Albany Bowling Club represented Eastern Areas in the EP trips competition at the Kowie Bowling Club in Port Alfred on Sunday 15 September.

The competition has been running over the past few weekends, with two Albany Bowling Club sides winning their sections. As only two sides from Eastern Areas could play in the finals, the section winners faced each other.

The team comprising Clive Bartlett, Bresby du Preez and Peter Haynes beat their Albany club mates Mario Agnew, Andre van Reenen and Dave Robertson in the first game. Both teams went on to lose to Trevor Frost's team from Port Alfred Bowling Club, but Bartlett's team went through on points. They lost the first match by one end and the second game by four.

In the Eastern Areas league, Bartlett finished runner-up in the singles, while Bartlett and Peter Heynes won the pairs section. The trips team of Bartlett, Bresby du Preez and Heynes finished as runners-up.

In the Eastern Areas four competition, the combined Albany teams are top of the table, with one game in hand.

Bartlett and Agnew have been selected for the Eastern Areas team to take part in the inter-district competition in Queenstown this weekend.

Gwen Bartlett, Marlene Jacobs and Gill Duncan were selected for the Eastern Areas women's team which took part in the inter-district tournament last month. Gwen Bartlett and Duncan were part of the overall winning team and Eastern Areas were the overall winners of the competition.

In the Eastern Areas novice singles, Alie and Navan Daniels both made it through to the Port Elizabeth round after they won their respective sections.

Meanwhile, the Albany Bowling Club's annual Pick n Pay night bowls competition starts on 7 October. Entries close on 27 September and businesses, clubs and organisations wanting to enter a team can call Bartlett at 084 487 5460 or email gwenb@nedbank.co.za. Entry forms can be collected from the Albany Bowling Club.

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