There'll be donkey cart rides at the Albany sports grounds next Saturday 28 September after Grahamstown's annual Donkey Carnival.
There'll be donkey cart rides at the Albany sports grounds next Saturday 28 September after Grahamstown's annual Donkey Carnival.
The event set for 28 September is organised by the Makana Donkey Association and is intended to encourage care for the city's large donkey population.
Starting the day's fun at 10am at the Chan Henry Store on Dr Jacob Zuma Drive will be a donkey cart street parade, which is expected to reach the bottom field at the Albany Sports Club around midday.
For donkey cart drivers there will be prizes in the form of food and clothing parcels. Prizes will be given out for the best donkey cart owner and harness, and the donkey in the best condition.
Members of the public are invited to watch or join in the procession, and to attend the final presentations.
Organiser Annerie Wolmarans, of the Makana Donkey Association, said there would be donkey cart rides at a cost of R5.
Wolmarans is also making a special appeal to farmers for donations of lucerne for the day.
"We used to buy lucerne for the donkeys, but the price has gone up to R80 a bale and we just can't afford that," she said.
For more information call Wolmarans at 046 622 6202 or 082 655 7595.