City officials have admitted that Makana has not yet finalised Municipal Manager Pravine Naidoo's salary package, even though he has been in the position for almost six months.

City officials have admitted that Makana has not yet finalised Municipal Manager Pravine Naidoo's salary package, even though he has been in the position for almost six months.

Municipal Spokesperson Mncedisi Boma confirmed this during a telephonic interview with Grocott's Mail. "We can confirm that the contract of the MM has not yet been finalised," Boma said on Tuesday 17 September.

He also said that while the Council was busy finalising Naidoo's contract, his salary was being paid from funds left over from the salary package of his predecessor, Ntombi Baart. "We are paying him from the previous municipal manager's salary. There are funds which were left over in the MM vote. We are hoping that the contract will be finalised soon at a Special Council Meeting," Boma said.

Boma said he would communicate the date of the meeting once it had been determined. Boma also said that he would not comment on discussions during the confidential section of a meeting on 11 September.

"It was a confidential meeting. We do not discuss confidential items with the media, we are not allowed by the law to do that, that is why it is a confidential item," he said.

He also said the MM was no longer being put up at a guest house by the municipality. "I can confirm that he is not staying at a guest house. It was only for four months that we accommodated him. August was the last month, as it was agreed in the mayoral committee," Boma said.

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