Proceeds from the Gandhi Walk being held on Saturday 7 September will go towards funding a special project for the SPCA.
Proceeds from the Gandhi Walk being held on Saturday 7 September will go towards funding a special project for the SPCA.
The fourth annual Gandhi Walk, organised by the Grahamstown Hindu Seva Samaj, starts at the mandir (Hindu temple) in Kettlewell Street at 3pm.
The walk is held to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi's ideals of peace, reconciliation and unity Registration is at 2.30pm and the R10 entry goes to the SPCA.
The Samaj is one of four Grahamstown organisations that have pledged support for a special building project forming part of the 'Save our SPCA' campaign led by Grahamstown businessman Harry Rama.
For more information call Jenny Gopal at 082 780 3633