Bluebuck Network Summit

Rhodes University will be hosting the BlueBuck Network Summit this year, from 6-8 September.

A network of environmental youth groups in southern Africa, their summit will bring together environmentally minded students, NGOs and businesses around the theme, 'Building Resilient Student Networks'.

Bluebuck Network Summit

Rhodes University will be hosting the BlueBuck Network Summit this year, from 6-8 September.

A network of environmental youth groups in southern Africa, their summit will bring together environmentally minded students, NGOs and businesses around the theme, 'Building Resilient Student Networks'.

For more about the summit and to register email Louise Bryson at or Ruth Krüger at


Environmental Awards

There has been a call for nominations for the annual Rhodes University Environmental Awards, in the following categories:

* RU department, institute or section (within division)

* RU student society or residence

* RU individual (staff or student)

* Makana community (non-RU individual or organisation)

To nominate an individual or group, please send fully motivated applications/nominations to or hand them to Nikki Köhly, the RU Safety, Health and Environmental Officer, SHE Office, Alumni House, Lucas Avenue.

The closing date for nominations is 30 August. For more information, you can also visit the webpage or email


10th Annual Thicket Forum 2013

The Thicket Forum will be held at Rhodes University from 3-5 September 2013, with field trips on 2 September.

According to the draft programme, there will be an expert dialogue where participants will be invited to engage with a key note speaker, as well as mini-symposia where speakers and presenters will give their insights, feedback and ideas around a particular theme.

The Forum will also be providing “young thicketeers” (young, up-and-coming scientists and practitioners) with a platform to share their projects and ideas so that they can receive input and feedback from more established practitioners and experts in their field.

For more information about the Thicket Forum, contact Maud Sebebele at or 087 802 1181.


Global Power Shift

Rhodes University student Ruth Krüger took part in the Global Power Shift meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, in July this year.

This meeting was an initiative of international climate organisation, created in response to the failure of international climate negotiations to represent civil society on the ground.

In the first phase of Global Power Shift, 500 leaders of civil society organisations all over the world came together in Istanbul to network, share knowledge and ideas, and plan for the future of the movement in their own local context.

In the second phase, the South African team will be organising workshops on energy policy, creating a knowledge and support base that will allow them to lobby government for more sustainable energy policy.

If you would like to find out more about the Global Power Shift or get involved, contact Ruth Krüger on or 076 295 8045.


Contacts for Makana Enviro-News: Nikki Köhly:, 046 603 7205 / Jenny Gon:, 046 622 5822 / Nick James:, 082 575 9781; Philip Machanick:, 046 603 8635 / Strato Copteros:, 082 785 6403 / Ruth Krüger,, 076 295 8045

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