Grahamstown never fails to boast local talent at the National Arts Festival, and this year is no exception.
Grahamstown never fails to boast local talent at the National Arts Festival, and this year is no exception.
Music and art group going by the name Blah Ze Blah plans to capture the interest of this year’s Fest audiences with a mixture of poetry, beat boxing and music performances.
Blah Ze Blah is a local art brand created by Sinethemba Mzwali in early 2011.
The inspiration behind the brand stemmed from Mzwali’s passion for watching live music.
He wanted to translate this passion into something more concrete, and then Blah Ze Blah was born.
The brand is better known for its hip-hop promotions and live performances fusing hip-hop with graphic art projections to deliver a truly artistic feast.
Blah Ze Blah has developed three spin-off projects, namely Blah Ze Blah Music Sessions, Blah Ze Blah Onehart Festival and the Blah Ze Blah Jump Sessions.
This year Blah Ze Blah will partner up with music acts from Port Elizabeth, Cape Town and Johannesburg to give local hip-hop even more exposure in Grahamstown.
Night-time performances will take place at Champs Action Bar on 1 July and the Monastery on 5 July.