Makana municipality came to a standstill on Friday 7 June when a group of South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) members picketed at City Hall.

Makana municipality came to a standstill on Friday 7 June when a group of South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) members picketed at City Hall.

The municipal workers picketed from 8am until midday.

According to municipal spokesperson Mncedisi Boma, they had not been informed about the strike.

“Nothing was forwarded to the attention of the administrative arm and even the political leadership is unaware of what is going on,” said Boma.

When contacted after the meeting Boma said the workers were angry because they were no consulted about the new organogram, which shows the structure of the municipality.

“The mayor will meet with the workers on Tuesday and discuss the organogram with them,” he said.




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