While he was still in his mother’s stomach, his older brother would put his ear against her belly and listen to how his future brother would "knock" from the inside.

While he was still in his mother’s stomach, his older brother would put his ear against her belly and listen to how his future brother would "knock" from the inside.

This is how Andrew Wakeford got the nickname "Knocky" and also how The Knock Shop got its name.

Founded in 1990 by Knocky and his wife Diane, The Knock Shop operated from a single room in New Street before they acquired the whole shop in 1993.

However, after buying, selling and restoring second-hand furniture for 23 years, the Wakefords have decided to retire and pass the business over to their daughter’s fiancé, Chris Fourie.

“I'm 64 and I need a break,” Knocky said.

The Knock Shop will be run under the same name and will follow the same structure, but will relocate from New Street to new digs in Cobden Street.

The Knock Shop specialises in buying and selling new, second-hand and antique furniture and smalls such as used books, picture frames, and small electrical appliances.

The current building in which Knocky and Diane have spent their years developing the business has been bought by Rob Beer of Beer Properties, which also owns Pepper Grove Mall and many other properties in Grahamstown.

Future plans for the building have not yet been confirmed.

The couple will be continuing their furniture removal service, which includes both student digs and full household removals.

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