Getting locked up for driving under the influence of alcohol is not necessarily because you're over the blood alcohol limit, but could be because you look like you are, according the Automobile Association.

Getting locked up for driving under the influence of alcohol is not necessarily because you're over the blood alcohol limit, but could be because you look like you are, according the Automobile Association.

"Alcohol affects our vision, judgement, balance and reaction time," the AA said in a press release.

They warned that physiologically, women tend to show the effects of alcohol much quicker than men, even though the absorption rate by the liver is similar regardless of gender.

The liver can only digest close to one unit of alcohol per hour on average (depending on a number of factors such as weight, age and fitness).

"For that reason, giving your car keys to your wife or girlfriend to drive after a night out could get her into jail," the AA said.

Women, likewise, shouldn't be fooled by the effects of one glass of wine.

"Just because you only had a glass of wine with your meal does not mean you won't be arrested at a road block."

If you are drinking, the AA suggests, the safe thing to do is simply assume you're over the limit – even if you're not.

"Do the smart thing: have a designated driver, arrange for a friend to drop you off and collect you when the party is over or hire a cab."


Fast facts about drinking and driving:

  • On weekends, 65% fatal crashes are attributed to alcohol abuse by drivers and pedestrians.
  • One in every 15 drivers on the road in the evenings is over the limit
  • Morning rush-hour bumper bashings are most likely a result of the previous nights' drinking.

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