Having managed to survive 15 years of schooling each for two children, as well as having taught Grade R for many years, I can hopefully offer a few titbits of advice for parents of children starting school this year.

Having managed to survive 15 years of schooling each for two children, as well as having taught Grade R for many years, I can hopefully offer a few titbits of advice for parents of children starting school this year.

Listen to your child and keep open the lines of communication (even if you feel it is completely one-sided!).

Read to them, even after they start to read for themselves. This is a special time when they know that you are totally focused on them.

Know that each stage doesn’t last and that they do grow up eventually. Retain a sense of humour. There is a time when they do acknowledge that their parents know something!

Trust your child. Until they prove that they are unworthy of your trust, show them that you place confidence in them and their abilities.

Interact as meaningfully as possible with your child’s teacher. Get involved in your child’s school and all their activities.

Encourage your child to take part fully in all extra mural activities offered by the school. They learn valuable lessons by participating in team sports or activities, such as personal sacrifice for the greater good of the team; camaraderie; shared hardships and gains; being able to work together as a team.

Encourage your child to be the best that they can be. At some stage they will find something that they are truly good at. Quietly savour their triumphs and successes.

Be prepared to put your arm around their shoulders and support them through the scratches and scrapes that they will undoubtedly have along the way.

Infuse all interactions with love and passion. If they know you are there for them, half the battle will be won.

Perhaps the most important thing is to find a way to enjoy every single step on the path that you will share with your child.

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