Saturday’s fête at Brookshaw home appeared to be a huge success as hundreds of people swarmed the grounds to buy books, assorted bric-brac and snacks. People rapidly bought up all kinds of odds and ends – one person’s clutter is another person’s treasure after all. On sale was a collector’s album of all the records (78 rpm) of the Pirates of Penzance; a CD featuring the best of John Berks’s fun calls; the obligatory pan pipes; an Elvis Presley CD and some Power Ballads for the musically inclined.

For those with a more eclectic taste there was a meticulously prepared scrapbook highlighting the courtship of Prince Charles and Lady Diana; an old Thermos flask; an array of different types of dolls; packets of different colour sands; second-hand clothing; needlework kits; crocheted scarves and needlework pillows.

However, as usual, it seemed that the food stalls were doing best of all – offering boerewors rolls, pancakes and a rich variety of sweet, desert-type treats.

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