One of the more popular fun run/walks in Grahamstown, the Rapportryers/PJ Olivier 5km, takes place on Thursday (25 October), starting at 5.30pm from the PJ sports field.

The proceeds of this year’s race will go to the PJ Olivier disaster fund.

One of the more popular fun run/walks in Grahamstown, the Rapportryers/PJ Olivier 5km, takes place on Thursday (25 October), starting at 5.30pm from the PJ sports field.

The proceeds of this year’s race will go to the PJ Olivier disaster fund.

On 28 February a veld fire damaged a section of the Hoërskool PJ Olivier main building. Facilities damaged included a brand-new computer lab and the Life Science Laboratory. The cost to renovate these is estimated at R7 million.

While the school was insured, there will still be a shortfall which the school has to fund. The Rapportryers of Grahamstown therefore decided that the Hoërskool PJ Olivier disaster fund will be the recipient of funds raised this year.

The first 100 runners will receive a medal and there will be lots of spot prizes. Entry fee is R15 for adults and R10 for pupils. All younger runners (U11 and younger) and their parents who wish to run or walk a shorter race of 2.5km will be taken to the start of their race at 5.20pm.

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