It's that time of the year again when Grahamstown residents jump into the icy Grey Dam to celebrate the winter solstice.

It's that time of the year again when Grahamstown residents jump into the icy Grey Dam to celebrate the winter solstice.

This year's Polar Plunge takes place at Grey Dam on Thursday 21 June at 7.30am and organiser George Euvrard encourages residents to take part and says it's a “real boost for the system.”

While Euvrard will be backpacking in Turkey at the time of the Grahamstown Polar Plunge, Richard Foss will say a few words before encouraging all to take the dive.

Hot chocolate will be available for the event's adult dunkers, sponsored by PG Glass.

Grahamstown plungers have been celebrating the winter solstice this way since 2005. This solstice is the time at which the sun appears at its lowest altitude above the horizon at noon, marking it the longest night of the year, but also the gradual return of warmer days and more sunshine.

Meanwhile – Port Alfred residents will be holding their third annual Polar Bear Dip at Kelly's Beach, Port Alfred on the same day at 7am.

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