A Victoria Girls' High School pupil hit by a taxi in High Street this week is back in class, according to an employee at the school.

A taxi knocked down a Victoria Girls' High School pupil at the High Street pedestrian crossing in front of the City Hall on Wednesday afternoon.

A Victoria Girls' High School pupil hit by a taxi in High Street this week is back in class, according to an employee at the school.

A taxi knocked down a Victoria Girls' High School pupil at the High Street pedestrian crossing in front of the City Hall on Wednesday afternoon.

According to an eyewitness who did not want to be named, the girl was walking on the pedestrian crossing when the driver of a white Toyota Venture failed to stop and struck her.

She fell on the ground very badly and the taxi stopped approximately 10 to 15 metres away from incident, the witness said. He said she was knocked to the ground, but managed to get on to her feet again. He said the taxi's point of impact with the girl had been the rucksack she was carrying on her back.

He said the taxi driver had stopped only after onlookers shouted at him.

When traffic officers asked the driver for his licence, the witness said, it was found to have expired in 2005.
The girl was taken to Settlers' Hospital for shock and for a further check-up.

When Grocott's Mail called Victoria Girls' High School yesterday to find out whether the pupil was back from hospital, an employee who asked to remain anonymous said was back at school and appeared to be in good health.

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