Water polo hit the various schools' swimming pools this week as the Grahamstown Water Polo League for 2012 gets started.
This is the fifth year that the water polo league has been running. The league has grown from 31 teams last year to 37 teams this year, and so organisers have added a sixth league for the first time.
Water polo hit the various schools' swimming pools this week as the Grahamstown Water Polo League for 2012 gets started.
This is the fifth year that the water polo league has been running. The league has grown from 31 teams last year to 37 teams this year, and so organisers have added a sixth league for the first time.
The league matches take place at various school swimming pools in town and take place on a Wednesday afternoon from 5pm, with a few matches taking place on a Friday afternoon.
According to the league organiser and water polo coach at St Andrew's College, Grahams Creese, the aims of the league are “to encourage participation in water polo, and to create more opportunities for game time, particularly for the lower school sides who don’t play as many regular fixtures as the 1st and A teams.”
At the end of the league there is a floating trophy for the winners of each league.
Teams represented in the league include sides from St Andrew's, Graeme College, DSG, Kingswood, Rhodes, St Andrew's Prep, Grahamstown Occasionals (team of locals who enjoy playing the game), and Stenden (the hotel school from Port Alfred).
Results from Wednesday matches:
- St Andrew's (SAC) 3rds beat SAC U15A 11–6
- Kingswood 3rds beat SAC U15B 6–4
- SAC U14A beat SAC 7ths 7–2
- SAC 5ths beat SAC 6ths 5–4
- SAC 2nds beat KC 1sts 6–5
- Kingswood U14 Girls beat Kingswood U14B Girls 10-3
- Kingswood U15A Girls beat Kingswood 3rds Girls 6-5
- Kingswood 2nds Girls beat Kingswood U14A Boys 12-4
- Kingswood 2nds Boys beat Kingswood U15A Boys 12-3