Jane Wiles is having the opening of an exhibition of her and her family’s work in The Wiles Gallery, Bathurst, on the 21st December 2011.

Jane Wiles is having the opening of an exhibition of her and her family’s work in The Wiles Gallery, Bathurst, on the 21st December 2011.

Jane came to Bathurst in 2004 after a diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer. “I didn’t want to hang around Joburg waiting for a bad prognosis, so decided to make something new of the rest of my life. Surprisingly I find myself still alive and here!”

Jane built the Wiles Gallery in Bathurst in 2005 as a testimony to her parents who had a gallery in Knysna for 49 years.

“Knysna had become too civilized for me, so I chose Bathurst which is wilder and closer to nature. I like to paint the wild rivers and the sea and the sky,” she says. “I am no longer young enough to fuss about being artistically significant, or with what is hot in art, so I am free to paint in the simplest possible way, which is what I see in the early morning I paint that day!”

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