The unpopularity of blood donation in many black communities of the Eastern Cape has resulted in the province recording just below 32 000 donations last year, although the demand for donations continue to rise rapidly.

The unpopularity of blood donation in many black communities of the Eastern Cape has resulted in the province recording just below 32 000 donations last year, although the demand for donations continue to rise rapidly.

This seems to happen as a result of some black South Africans believing that blood donation is a "foreign concept”. One of those people is Sinawo Hermaans who said that, "blood donation is foreign to black people due to our cultural beliefs."

However, Merelda Sibanyoni from the South African National Blood Services (SANBS) urged citizens to donate blood, as donating contributes towards saving lives. “Knowing that your blood donation could contribute towards saving someone’s life gives one a sense of achievement,” she said.

But Hermaans couldn't agree. “I personally believe my ancestors would forsake me,” said the 22-year-old from Cradock. He believes that his blood belongs to his ancestors so it should be treated with respect and not be given to someone he doesn’t even know.

Unlike Hermaans, Andisa Bonani from Grahamstown tried to donate blood but was turned down. She said the donors tested her blood and the results showed that she had low ions at the time, but she swore that she would try to donate again next year.

She believed that if her ancestors were in her position they would do the same and want to help other people. Having low ions and other health issues are some of the reasons that discourage people to donate blood. Low ions are caused by severe loss of blood and poor diet.

SANBS communications officer, Merelda Sibanyoni said for a person to be able to donate they must be between the ages of 16 and 65, weigh more than 50kg, lead a safe-sex lifestyle and eat a good meal before going for donation.

She also slammed allegations that the SANBS test for HIV when someone is donating. “SANBS does not offer free HIV testing. Hence it is advisable to know your status before you attempt to donate,” she said.

According to Sibanyoni the SANBS is a non-profit organisation therefore it doesn’t sell the donated blood for profit. However patients who have medical aid schemes are billed as the organisation runs an intense testing on every unit of blood donated that costs R500 000 a day.

Patients who attend public hospitals get free blood transfusions. She said that the organisation circulates the donated blood to both public and private hospitals countrywide. Sibanyoni encouraged people of the Eastern Cape to donate because the donated blood is not only used by victims of accidents, but cancer patients and people who undergo normal surgical procedures may need blood too.

“Children who have been diagnosed with medical conditions such as aplastic aneamia (a condition where bone marrow does not produce sufficient new cells to replenish blood cells) need regular blood transfusions to stay alive and healthy,” she added.

She encouraged people who are interested to visit the SANBS donor centres in East London (Berea and Beacon Bay), Queenstown, Mthatha, Uitenhage, and three other centres in the Port Elizabeth area. She thanked all the donors in the Eastern Cape who have shown kindness by donating. “I also urge potential donors to make a conscious effort to donate blood," she said. "Be a hero, it’s in your blood.” – WSU-SNA

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