What an incredibly busy weekend we have ahead of us. Anyone who describes this town as a "sleepy hollow" will definitely have to revise her point of view – at least for this weekend. Take a look at the What’s On section on page 19 and you will be astonished at the wide variety of events taking place in the Makana municipal area over the next few days.
What an incredibly busy weekend we have ahead of us. Anyone who describes this town as a "sleepy hollow" will definitely have to revise her point of view – at least for this weekend. Take a look at the What’s On section on page 19 and you will be astonished at the wide variety of events taking place in the Makana municipal area over the next few days.
The Grahamstown Flower Festival, a colourful celebration of plants and gardens, is probably the biggest single event of the weekend, and if it is anything like last year’s edition then it is well worth marking off some time on your weekend-planner for the Flower Festival. There’s also an opportunity to buy plants at the festival, so bring your wallet – and your bakkie, if you have one…
There is a school fete at Oatlands, a 50th anniversary celebration at the Manley Flats cricket club, the Commem “Entertaining” dinner and of course the Riebeeck East kerkbasaar, to name but a few.
Many of these events seem to revolve around food, and especially boerewors rolls, so we can expect our collective waistlines to be expanding yet again.
Two potentially colourful events might even clash in the middle of town tomorrow morning. The annual donkey carnival will parade down Raglan Road and go through the centre of town, where some of the carts could bump into participants of the Slutwalk, a protest action claiming the right of women to wear whatever they choose without fear of harassment.
While most people will no doubt try to have as much fun as possible at whichever affair they are attending, it is the last-mentioned protest, the Slutwalk, which is likely to provoke the strongest reactions.
Some people even object to the name of the event and prefer to use the term, “dialogue on foot”, because the word “slut” is offensive to many.
Makana residents will, no doubt have many differing points of view on the value of a Slutwalk – one such opinion is on the opposite page – and we will definitely publish some of them.
This will mean, of course, that the organisers of the event have been successful, because one of their main objectives will be to heighten awareness of the absurd notion that a woman’s clothing can somehow justify a crime of savage violence.