Projects to eradicate the existing bucket system are going to tender soon, according to the Makana Municipality.

The municipality appointed MBD Consultants, SMV Consultants and Aurcon Consultants, in July to do the designs, tender documents and construction management.

Projects to eradicate the existing bucket system are going to tender soon, according to the Makana Municipality.

The municipality appointed MBD Consultants, SMV Consultants and Aurcon Consultants, in July to do the designs, tender documents and construction management.

According to Municipal Spokesperson, Thandy Matebese, the tender specifications have been finalised and the call for tenders will be advertised next week.

Last May, the Makana Council resolved to take action in dealing with the bucket system in the Grahamstown, by using its own funds to speed up the process of eradication.

It was decided that R2.6 million would be sourced from municipal coffers and be claimed back from Human Settlements to remove the bucket system from Kwa-Ndancama and Eluxolweni settlements.

The eradication, according to a municipality report, is 80% complete in areas that have been formalised to receive municipal services, except in Kwa-Ndancama and Eluxolweni Settlements.

Residents in these areas have been frustrated by the issue and participated in a march for global change last Saturday organised by the Unemployed People's Movement and the Students for Social Justice, in which buckets of human excrement were thrown into the entrance of City Hall.

At a mayoral business forum on Wednesday, Executive Mayor, Zamuxolo Peter, said that the bucket system was a historical problem which they are dealing with, and alluded to last week's protest, saying, "It worries me when people use cheap political ploys to something that is sensitive to our people. A lot of people are trying to score points with it."

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