A poor turnout didn't dampen the spirits of the pupils who took part in the Via Kasi Movers Drama Festival recently, where Archie Mbolekwa lower-primary school received first prize for their play, Foster Parents, about an uncle who abused a child in his care.

A poor turnout didn't dampen the spirits of the pupils who took part in the Via Kasi Movers Drama Festival recently, where Archie Mbolekwa lower-primary school received first prize for their play, Foster Parents, about an uncle who abused a child in his care.

Organised by Ubom! drama group member Ayanda Nondlwane and sponsored by the Special Programmes Unit, a division of the Makana Municipality and with wooden trophies designed by the Marimba Crew, the audience had a long wait for the show to begin.

It must have been frustrating for Nondlwane, the founder of Via Kasi Movers – under whose auspices he took the skills he learnt at Rhodes drama department through Ubom! to children in township schools.

Schools didn't arrive, or arrived late. Some even arrived at the end, when the show was just about finished.
The enthusiastic audience in Nombulelo Hall finally got to enjoy hip-hop, Sophiatown, pantsula and gumboot dances and dramas – mostly around the theme of education as the key to success.

Archie Mbolekwa was awarded first prize, followed by Makana Primary.

Nondlwane blamed a lower-than-hoped-for turnout on poor marketing.

"I struggled to get a venue to host the festival and I didn't want to market a show when I still had no idea where it was going to be held," he said. Nondlwane said he would host another festival some time in the future.

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