It's that time of year again: Environmental Week is back at Rhodes University and Kiarin Gillies, environmental councillor of the Student Representative Council, urges everyone to get involved.
It's that time of year again: Environmental Week is back at Rhodes University and Kiarin Gillies, environmental councillor of the Student Representative Council, urges everyone to get involved.
Environmental Week Programme:
Tuesday 4 October, 5.30pm: Vice Chancellor to open up environmental week and to introduce a very interesting speaker, David Kronlid, from Uppsala University in Sweden conducting research in environmental ethics, mobility and climate change justice. Topic: “Engaging Normative Questions in Higher Education Teaching Practice”. Venue: Environmental Learning and Research Centre, Room 20. Refreshments will be served.
11am: Student Discussion on Youth Mobilisation in Environmental issues. Venue: Environmental Learning and Research Centre.
Wednesday 5 October, 1pm: Getting to know your food day at the Union.
Thursday 6 October, 11am: Talk by Professor Jay O’ Keeffe who spent six years as WWF Professor of Freshwater Ecosystems in the department of Environmental Resources at UNESCO-IHE (Institute for water education) in Delft, the Netherlands. Topic “The World’s Big Rivers”. Venue: Environmental Learning and Research Centre room 20.
7pm: The Thyspunt Nuclear Power Station (Cape St Francis) Discussion with Fred Ellery. This discussion will look at an issue that is happening right on our ‘doorstep’. Venue to be confirmed.
Friday 7 October 1pm-2pm Water Seminar: Guest speaker Prof Janine Adams, from NMMU. Title: Conservation & Management of South Africa's Estuaries – the importance of a catchment to coast approach. Prof Janine Adams is a botanist with expertise on the environmental flow requirements of estuaries. She is a National Research Foundation rated scientist, has published over 40 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals and supervised 12 MSc and six PhD studies. In 1999 Janine led the group that was responsible for the development, testing and publishing of methods for determining the environmental flow requirements of estuaries to allow implementation of the National Water Act. Janine has strong ties with the Resource Directed Measures Directorate of the Department of Water Affairs and has managed a number of environmental flow requirement studies on estuaries.
1.30pm SRC Centenary Tree planting. Limited space, e-mail Kiarin Gillies to book a seat (
4pm Gardening at Cynthia’s Soup Kitchen in Xolani, meet under the arch at 4pm if you are interested. For more information please e-mail Jocelyn Coldrey (
Saturday 8 October 8.30am-12pm Recycled arts and crafts workshop at the Environmental Learning and Research Centre, run by Neo Koza, environmental representative of Truro House.
8.30pm-3.30pm Bio-mimicry workshop at the Environmental Learning and Research Centre, room 20. “Bios” means life, “mimicry” means imitate. Biomimicry is the practice of learning from and then emulating nature to solve human problems and create more sustainable designs. Energy efficient buildings inspired by termite mounds, highly efficient wind-turbines inspired by whale fins, new materials inspired by abalone shells and spider webs, and solar cells inspired by photosynthesis are examples of biomimicry happening today. This interactive workshop includes an introduction to biomimicry and the biomimicry methodology (with case studies). Participants will also have the opportunity to practice these principles during a mini design challenge. These seats are limited so people who are interested need to RSVP to either Valarie ( or Kiarin Gillies ( Participants need to RSVP ASAP with their year of study and degree, or occupation.
4.30pm-5.30pm 5km Green Fund Run starts at the entrance to the Makana Botanical Gardens, in Lucas Avenue next to Rhodes. People entering need to register half an hour before the race starts and you can have up to, and including, three members in your team.
Walkers and joggers and runners allowed
'Tis meant to be fun for the Grahamstown crowd
A mere R10 is the entry fee
This – is – like – almost for free!
The event has support from our VC
Will students outnumber the Faculty?
Spread word around about the Fund Run
Support the future of Rhodes as one
16:30 on 8th October be there
Else you’re considered as cubic or square
Dress – show up leaders idiocy
Ignoring the issue “sustainability”
Prizes are plenty in form of a tree
Planted and labelled for posterity
Be part of the fun, walk, jog or run
The event’s for the future of everyone!
More info: